Google Tools
Gmail is Google’s free email service. Having a Gmail account is useful for subscribing to various online services and reducing spam or emails that would otherwise be sent to email addresses set up under your own domain name.
Your business should also be recording important metrics about your website’s visitors to help you understand how users and prospects are interacting and engaging with your site. This will help you improve your marketing processes, increase sales conversions, boost profits, and more.
Google Analytics is a powerful and free web analytics tool that can be easily installed in WordPress to track user behavior on your website, blog, e-commerce store, etc.
Although Google Analytics provides extensive analytical data reports on a whole range of key metrics, this is not very useful if no one in your business can understand what the data means. The more people in your team that can analyze and understand analytical data about your website, the more opportunities you have to identify weaknesses and opportunities in your digital presence.
If you have never used these tools before, this video course is a great place to start. The video tutorials are easy to follow and will teach you the basics of using tools like Gmail to Google Analytics to improve your business productivity and start making sense of your website data.
Course Content
The videos in this training course will help you learn the basics of using Google tools like Google Analytics & Gmail.
1 – Gmail User Interface Tour
This video introduces you to the various features and sections of the Gmail interface. (6:42)
2 – Gmail Customize User Interface
This video will demonstrate a few ways to customize the layout of your Gmail user interface. (3:38)
3 – Gmail Compose, Send & Receive
This video shows you how to compose, send, and receive emails using Gmail. (3:58)
4 – Gmail General Settings
This video walks you through the general settings of your Gmail account. (6:55)
5 – Gmail Labels
This video shows you how to use and manage the labels feature of Gmail. (4:22)
6 – Gmail Tabs Feature
This video walks you through how to set up and use the tabs feature in your Gmail account. (3:00)
7 – Gmail Filters
Organizing your Gmail account can be overwhelming if you are new to Gmail. This video shows you how to set up filters to more quickly organize your Gmail inbox and future incoming e-mails. (4:27)
8 – Gmail Contacts & Groups
This video walks you through the Gmail contact feature. (5:28)
9 – Gmail Labs
Although Gmail already has loads of features, you can add even more functionality using Gmail labs. This video shows you how to enable your Gmail labs feature and walks you through installing a couple of useful labs that you can use right away. (2:56)
10 – Gmail Analytics
This video shows you how to generate analytic reports on your Gmail activity. (5:54)
11 – Google Analytics Account Setup
This video covers what Google Analytics is and shows you how to set up a Google Analytics account. (6:42)
12 – Google Analytics User Interface Tour
This video gives you a tour of the user interface of your Google Analytics account. (5:05)
13 – Google Analytics Customize Dashboard
This video shows you how to create, manage, and customize dashboards in your Google Analytics account. (7:05)
14 – Google Analytics Add Users
This video shows you how to add another user to your Google Analytics account, property, or view, and how to configure permissions for new users. (2:22)
15 – Google Analytics Creating Goals
This video shows you how to set up goals in your Google Analytics account. (10:12)
16 – How To Add Google Analytics To WordPress
This video walks you through the process of installing Google Analytics on your WordPress site. (3:29)
Course Duration: 1 hour 23 minutes
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