Digital Product Creation

Learn how to create, launch, and sell high-quality digital products like downloadable reports, e-books, videos, and audios quickly and cost-effectively.

(check out the sample video tutorial above!)

Digital Product Creation -

About This Course

Number of Lessons: 79

Course Duration: 17 hours

Course ID: WPMC-0038

See description of video tutorials below.

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Digital Product Creation

Being able to create high-quality information products is a useful and profitable skill to have. Digital products can be used to start, grow, and promote your business, build a list, establish authority, trust, and credibility in your niche or industry, uncover new product or service opportunities, generate additional streams of revenue, and more!

This video course shows you how to create, launch, and sell high-quality digital products like downloadable reports, e-books, videos, and audios quickly and cost-effectively. Video lessons include links to additional tutorials, useful resources, and downloadable guides.

Course Content

Module 1 – Creating Quality Information Products

In this video training module, you’ll learn how to create high-quality information products quickly. This video series focuses on creating videos and reports as your digital products.

1 – Introduction To Digital Product Creation

This video covers what you need to do before creating your own information product, provides a specific plan to follow to make your product successful, and lists the tools you will need to get started. (11:38)

2 – Factors That Affect Conversions

In this video, you will learn a process that will change the way you create quality products and that can mean the difference between creating a successful or failing product. You will also learn the mistakes to avoid that will help prevent refunds and support requests from unhappy customers. (12:19)

3 – Product Planning

This video will help you plan your own product and address questions like where to start, what kinds of products you should create, what formats should you create these in (e.g. video, ebook, report, etc.), how to increase the perceived value of your product and more. (18:44)

4 – Creating Fast Salesletters

This video shows you why creating the sales letter before creating the product will result in a higher quality product and a better understanding of your audience’s needs and problems. You will also learn the formula for creating an effective sales letter in less than 3 hours. (12:41)

5 – Creating Your Product

Learn how to create quality products quickly, where to begin, and different paths you can take in the product creation process. (8:14)

6 – Creating A Training Area

Learn how to create an effective training area for your customers to decrease refunds and support requests and how to make things better and easier for your customers. (7:13)

7 – Packaging Your Product For Release

Learn how to package your products before their release, including how to create your download page, so that your customers can get instant access to your products, and how to do this quickly. (4:53)

Module 2 – Digital Product Creation

In this video course, you will learn how to create your own digital products. After completing this training module, you will have an understanding of what it takes to create your own digital product.

1 – Module Overview

This video provides an overview of what is covered in this module. (0:32)

2 – Why Create Your Own Digital Products

This video covers the reasons and benefits of creating your own digital products. (3:57)

3 – Digital Product Types & Formats

This video explores the various digital product types and formats that you can create. (6:14)

4 – Digital Product Creation Process

This video looks at the digital product creation process. (3:45)

Module 3 – Product Creation Essentials

This training module provides essential information and useful tips on creating profitable digital products quickly and inexpensively.

1 – Why Create Digital Products?

This video discusses the benefits and advantages of creating your own digital products. (3:38)

2 – Types Of Products

This video introduces you to the concept of creating digital products quickly, easily, and inexpensively. (5:46)

3 – Making Your Product

This video walks you through the process of creating your own digital products. (6:14)

4 – Packaging & Selling Your Product

This video walks you through the basics of packaging and getting your products ready to sell. (6:53)

Module 4 – Bonus Creation

This training module covers creating compelling digital bonuses as an incentive for users to buy your digital products.

1 – Why Offer Bonuses?

This video explores the reasons why digital product vendors and affiliates should consider creating and offering bonuses to increase sales. (3:05)

2 – What Makes A Great Bonus

Learn how to create bonuses that are relevant to your offer and provide additional value to your customers. (5:34)

3 – Curated Bonuses

This video introduces you to different ways to find and create relevant bonuses for your offers and your audience. (2:28)

4 – Making Bonuses Attractive

Learn how to improve your conversion rates using methods that will make your bonuses more attractive to potential customers of your products. (3:34)

Module 5 – Product Launch Fundamentals

This training module covers the final step of the digital product creation process and how to launch your product effectively.

1 – Introduction To Product Launches

This video provides useful tips and information on what you need to know to create a successful product launch. (3:45)

2 – Your Product Launch Sales Structure

This video walks you through what you need to have in place before launching your product, to ensure maximum effectiveness and results. (8:58)

3 – Recruiting Affiliates & JVs

This video discusses the benefits of recruiting Joint Venture partners and affiliates to help you launch your product effectively and get maximum reach online. (8:29)

4 – Your Product Launch

Learn about the benefits of including a pre-launch strategy and having a clear launch plan in place for your product. (4:19)

Module 6 – Creating A Successful Product Launch

In this video training module, you will learn how to prepare and launch your product the right way without losing time and money in the process.

1 – Introduction To Product Launching

This video provides an overview of the videos in this module and introduces you to product launches. (9:49)

2 – Planning Your Launch

Planning is the first and most important step to a successful product launch. In this video, you will learn how to plan your product launch correctly to ensure a successful launch. (19:46)

3 – Server And Web Hosting Precautions

Product launches are littered with horror stories of servers crashing, sites going down, and customers not being able to buy products when they are at their ‘peak’ buying state. This video will show you how to prevent this from happening on your launch day. (9:46)

4 – Finding And Contacting Affiliates

Learn how to find affiliates and influencers to help you promote your product and make your product launch bigger. (7:22)

5 – Affiliate Promo Tools To Create Momentum

If you plan to use the help of affiliates to promote your product, you will need to provide your affiliates with effective promotional tools so they can hop onto your product launch quickly and easily and run with it. All this is covered in this video. (6:47)

6 – Contest And Prizes

Should you run a contest? Should you give prizes for winners of your contests? Can contests really boost your profits? This video addresses these product launch questions and more. (2:49)

7 – Building Curiosity With A Prelaunch

With proper planning, product launches with pre-launches can do extremely well, as many of the people who have been informed about your product launch will be waiting and ready to buy. This video shows you how to build curiosity and how to avoid leaving money on the table. (6:59)

8 – Launch Day: Snowball Effect

It’s the big launch day. You’re ready to launch. You’re excited. This video shows you how to create a snowball effect during your launch that can significantly boost your launch day profits. (8:01)

9 – Follow Up

After launch day, it’s important to follow up with your JVs (Joint Venture partners), affiliates, and prospects. This video shows you a follow-up method that will help you extract even more revenue from your product launches. (4:18)

Module 7 – Sell Your Book On Amazon

This video training module shows you how to reach audiences that want to read your book and boost your book sales on Amazon.

1 – Introduction To Selling On Amazon

This video covers the right mindset to start effectively marketing your book on Amazon and provides an overview of the tools you will need. (7:16)

2 – Conversion Basics

This video covers potential marketing strategies that you can use to begin driving traffic to your book, how to ensure the highest sales conversions for your book when people check out your sales page, and the two primary areas you need to have done correctly to ensure the best conversions. (20:34)

3 – Categories And Keywords

Amazon lets you choose categories and keywords for your book. This video explores how to make sure that you choose your categories and keywords wisely to get the most targeted traffic to your Amazon sales page. (10:04)

4 – Reviews

When it comes to selling more copies of your book, social proof can be an important sales tool. This video shows you legitimate ways to acquire good reviews without violating Amazon’s terms and conditions. (13:41)

5 – Social Media

Social media marketing is a great way to promote your book and get the word out. This video covers different social media networks you can use to promote your book and reach a wider audience of users who are interested in your type of book. (8:40)

6 – Book Social Networks

This video covers ways to drive more traffic to your book’s sales page using social networks that focus primarily on books and that attract readers looking for specific types of books to be shared, read, and more. (6:43)

7 – Book Blogs

Book blogs are another great way of getting the word out about your book. This video shows you how to find people in your target market to promote your books through these blogs. (8:10)

8 – Giveaways

Giveaways are another great method of marketing and promoting your book. In this video, you are going to learn how to use giveaways to drive targeted traffic to your book’s sales page and increase your Amazon sales ranking. (2:47)

9 – Your Buyer’s List

Most book authors forget to build their list. If you create a book and you have a list of buyers and readers who are interested in your future books, when you release a book in the future, you will be able to announce your new book to your list followers and boost sales. (6:47)

Module 8 – Self-Publishing Your Book

This video training module shows you step-by-step how to self-publish and sell physical books.

1 – Introduction To Self-Publishing

This video provides an overview of this training module, how to publish a physical book, why publish a physical book, and how it will benefit you. (7:27)

2 – What’s Selling Now?

Learn how to research profitable niches to discover popular selling products in the niches you are interested in creating books about. (6:25)

3 – Creating Your Book

This video covers 3 ways to create a high-quality book. (11:57)

4 – Formating Your Book

The process of formatting a physical book is different than formatting a digital book. This video covers these fundamental differences and which format will work best for you. (10:48)

5 – Using Createspace

This video shows you how to publish your book, what publishing options are available, how Createspace works, and how to profit from it. (11:35)

6 – Proofreading

Learn about the importance of proofreading your book and ways to get your book proofread at a minimal cost. (6:00)

7 – Building A List

This video shows you how to use your published book to build a list. (5:11)

8 – Promoting Your Book

This video covers some of the best ways and methods to promote your book. (5:17)

9 – Offline Marketing

Learn how to market your book offline and how to get your self-published book into book shops. (9:51)

10 – Cash In On Your Book

Learn a simple technique that can help turn your book into hundreds or even thousands of additional dollars. (8:20)

11 – Summary

This video summarizes the book-publishing process covered in this training module, and how to take things to the next level. (7:25)

Module 9 – Publishing Your Book On Kindle

This video training series takes you through the process of optimizing your book for publishing on Amazon KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing).

1 – Publishing On Kindle Introduction

This video provides an overview of the topics discussed in this training series. (21:40)

2 – What To Avoid

Learn what to avoid when publishing your book on Amazon KDP. (15:36)

3 – Who Are You Targeting?

Before creating your book, it’s important to understand who you will be writing it for. This video shows you how to research and better understand your target audience. (5:59)

4 – Selecting The Right Niche

This video takes you through the process of selecting the right niche to publish your books in. (28:19)

5 – Leveraging And Multiplying Your Niche & Profit Potential

This video shows you how to leverage your publishing efforts and multiply your profit potential after targetting a niche for your book. (17:29)

6 – Your Author Name

Do you need or want to publish your book under a pseudonym? This video explores the option of using a pen name vs publishing under your own name. (5:57)

7 – Creating Sellable Book Titles

This video looks at how the title of your book can affect sales and how to create book titles that will help boost your book sales. (12:19)

8 – Creating A Book Series

If you plan to create a series of books, this video will show you how to better promote and boost sales of your book series. (12:59)

9 – Your Book Cover

This video focuses on creating an effective cover for your book. (17:26)

10 – Outsourcing Your Book Writing

Learn how to outsource the creation of your book if you don’t plan to write it yourself. (20:25)

11 – Finding A Writer

This video takes you through the process of finding and hiring a writer to create your book. (4:18)

12 – Your Book Description

This video walks you through the process of creating your book description and other important sale elements. (9:09)

13 – Publishing Your Book

Learn how to upload, set up, and start selling your book on Amazon KDP. (12:24)

14 – Amazon KDP Select

This video explains what Amazon’s KDP Select program is and how to use it to boost sales of your book. (15:24)

15 – Amazon Promotional Tools

This video shows you how to use the Amazon KDP promotional tools feature. (2:06)

16 – Profiting From New Markets

This video shows you how to explore and profit new markets in the Amazon Kindle book system. (54:19)

Module 10 – PLR Products

If you don’t want to create your own digital products, you can always buy and resell PLR (Private Label Rights) products. This video training series shows you how to customize and rebrand PLR products.

1 – PLR Overview

This video provides an introduction and overview of PLR (Private Label Rights) and PLR Products. Topics covered include what PLR is, different product rights, types of PLR products available, what PLR packages include, and the importance of re-branding your PLR products. (7:50)

2 – PLR Marketing Funnel

This video walks you through the marketing funnel that will be laid out in the rest of this video series. (4:34)

3 – Product Names & Hosting

This video covers the importance of choosing the right product name, as well as purchasing a domain name and setting up hosting if you plan to sell the product as a standalone package. (15:35)

4 – Editing Your PLR Minisite

A good PLR offer will normally include everything you need to start selling the rebranded product, such as graphics, a minisite containing a sales page and thank you page, source content, bonuses to include in your package, promotional materials, etc. This video walks you through the process of re-branding your PLR Content starting with the PLR graphics. The video covers what software you will need, how to edit a PLR mini-site, and more. (29:27)

5 – Creating A Minisite

Not all PLR Packages come with sale materials and a mini-site. This video shows you how to create a brand new mini-site using free tools if you purchase a PLR product that does not include a mini-site. (1:17:34)

6 – Creating Product eCovers

Creating attractive product covers is an important part of marketing and promoting information products. This video covers software you can use to create stunning e-covers for your digital products, including covers for e-books, videos, special reports, combo images, and more. (27:14)

7 – Rebranding PLR eBooks

This video shows you how to rebrand a PLR e-book or report to create a unique look and feel for your product. Topics covered in this video include what software you will need, how to edit your book’s graphic images, and how to convert your book files into a PDF document. (24:17)

8 – Rebranding PLR Videos

This video shows you how how to rebrand a PLR video to create a unique look and feel for your product. Topics covered in this video include what software you will need to edit your video, how to create and add a new video intro, and how to export your video to the right format. (24:27)

9 – Setting Up A Squeeze Page & Autoresponder

After rebranding your product and graphics, the next step is to set up your marketing funnel. Topics covered in this video include what software you will need, setting up your web page template, how to add content and graphics, setting up your autoresponder, creating and adding an email capture form to your squeeze page, creating thank you and download pages, setting up your product download links and automating your autoresponder’s follow-up messages. (56:47)

10 – Editing Your PLR Sales Page

This video shows you how to complete your squeeze page sales process by setting up and editing your PLR sales page. Topics covered in this video include how to add and edit content and graphics, creating product and bonus boxes, adding legal pages, etc. (43:02)

11 – Setting Up An Affiliate Program

This video shows you how to leverage the power of affiliate marketing and affiliate networks to increase exposure and boost sales of your product. Topics covered in this video include how to sign up for a seller account, how to add your products to the market place, how to upload your product for secure downloads, adding affiliate merchant network payment buttons to your web-page, and more. (12:23)

12 – Uploading Files To Your Server

This video shows you how to complete the last step of the marketing and sales funnel process, which is to upload your files to your server and test everything to make sure it’s all working as it should before going live. (7:22)

Course Duration: 17 hours

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