WordPress SEO

Learn how to optimize your WordPress site and how to craft website pages and blog posts that will help you get better search engine rankings and improve your traffic results.

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WordPress SEO

About This Course

Number of Lessons: 85

Course Duration: 6 hours 30 minutes

Course ID: WPMC-0027

See description of video tutorials below.

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WordPress SEO

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) covers a very broad range of topics, from keyword research, content creation, and page/content linking structure, to analyzing on-page and off-page optimization factors and implementing search engine ranking strategies. Optimizing your WordPress site for search engines is important if you want the benefits of receiving constant organic (i.e. free) traffic from search engines.

In this WordPress SEO training series you will learn how to optimize your WordPress site and how to craft website pages and blog posts that will help you get better search engine rankings and improve your traffic results. Video lessons include links to detailed step-by-step tutorials, downloadable files, and additional resources to help you better understand SEO, improve your digital content and digital marketing skills, and become a more competent WordPress user.

Course Content

Module 1 – Search Engine Optimization Basics

The videos in this module cover search engine optimization basics. You will learn how to effectively optimize your web pages for search engine ranking. completing the lessons in this video training module, you will know how to effectively conduct search engine optimization for your business.

1 – Overview

An overview of the lessons covered in this training module. (0:33)

2 – Keyword Research

In this video, you will learn how to research keywords effectively. (5:23)

3 – Onsite & Offsite Optimization

This video covers onsite and offsite optimization. (18:39)

4 – SEO Tools & Services

This video covers useful SEO tools, services, and outsourcing SEO services. (14:00)

Module 2 – WordPress On-Page SEO

This module covers how to make your WordPress site more search engine friendly. The content in this video training module is based on updated and new on-page optimization strategies from 2018 and beyond.

1 – On-Page SEO For WordPress Websites

This video provides an overview of the video lessons in this training module. (5:09)

2 – Main Focus

Because ‘on-page’ SEO is such a broad term and covers a lot of areas, this video will help you focus on what’s really important and explain how to make the front end of your WordPress site, your site structure, and your posts more SEO-friendly. (2:55)

3 – 5 Important SEO Factors

This video covers the 5 key SEO factors you need to know and why these are important. (7:15)

4 – URL Structure

Learn how to optimize the URL structure of your WordPress site and why structuring your domain name URLs is important. (10:03)

5 – Body Text Structure

Learn about the body text structure, what should you put in your content, and how to optimize content as you write your posts and pages. (7:32)

6 – Image Optimization

Learn how to make your images more search engine friendly. (7:07)

7 – Title Optimization

Title optimization is important, because it’s often the first thing that users searching online will see. Learn how to optimize your titles for SEO in this video. (6:24)

8 – Meta Optimization

Learn about ‘Meta Optimization’ and how to optimize the descriptions that show up on search engines. (2:17)

9 – WordPress SEO Plugins

Once you know how to manually optimize your WordPress site, it’s time to learn how to automate the process using WordPress plugins. (5:31)

Module 3 – Yoast SEO Plugin

Yoast SEO is one of the best WordPress SEO plugins available. In this training module, you will learn how to install and use the Yoast SEO plugin.

1 – Latent Semantic Indexing Keyword Research

Before you can start making your WordPress site more search engine friendly, you need to know about researching keywords to make sure that your SEO efforts are heading in the right direction. (5:07)

2 – How To Install And Use The Yoast SEO Plugin

Learn how to install a WordPress SEO plugin that will automate the process of making your WordPress site more search engine friendly. (5:33)

3 – Posts/Pages SEO Optimization With Yoast SEO

Learn how to make your posts or pages and your media more search engine friendly using the Yoast SEO WordPress plugin. (4:09)

4 – Where To Find Your XML Sitemap With Yoast SEO Plugin

Learn where to get your XML sitemap so that you can submit it to the Google Webmaster Tools. (1:33)

5 – How To Submit Your WordPress XML Sitemap To Google Webmaster Tools

Learn how to improve your organic search ranking results by submitting your XML Sitemap to the Google Webmaster Tools. (4:34)

Module 4 – WordPress SEO Plugin

This training module provides a more in-depth perspective on how to properly install and configure one of the most powerful and popular WordPress SEO plugins on the market – Yoast SEO.

1 – What Is SEO?

This video provides an overview of what will be covered in this training module. (4:01)

2 – Keyword Research

Learn how to find targeted keywords that will help maximize traffic to your site. (7:07)

3 – Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI)

Learn what LSI is and why it is so important for search engine optimization. (3:42)

4 – SEO Plugin For WordPress

This video provides an overview of the WordPress SEO plugin that will be used in this training module. (4:07)

5 – Yoast SEO Display & User Role Settings

Learn about the Yoast SEO features that display in your Administration areas and how to turn these features on and off. (6:52)

6 – Configuration Wizard Walk Through

Learn about Yoast SEO’s Configuration Wizard and the pros and cons of using the Setup Wizard vs. configuring settings manually. (5:02)

7 – General Settings: Dashboard

This video walks you through the General Settings Dashboard and shows you what all the buttons do and the best way to configure your settings in this section. (2:34)

8 – General Settings: Features

Learn about all the different features of the plugin and why you should leave some on and turn others off. (4:35)

9 – General Settings: Webmaster Tools

Learn how to connect your WordPress site to different search engines. (2:18)

10 – Search Appearance Settings: General

Learn how to customize the way your site will display in the search engines. (3:09)

11 – Search Appearance Settings: Content Types

Learn how to craft the global settings that affect how your posts and pages will display in the search results. (4:39)

12 – Search Appearance Settings: Media

Learn why and how you should set your media URLs for optimum SEO results. (3:37)

13 – Search Appearance Settings: Taxonomies

Learn why and how you should set your taxonomies (tags and categories) for optimum SEO results. (3:44)

14 – Search Appearance Settings: Archives

Learn about different types of archive pages and whether you should or should not opt to have them display in search results. (2:48)

15 – Search Appearance Settings: Breadcrumbs

Learn about using breadcrumbs and how to display breadcrumbs on your WordPress site. (4:53)

16 – Search Appearance Settings: RSS

Learn about the upside and downside of using the plugin’s Search Appearance RSS feature. (2:53)

17 – Google Search Console

Learn how to connect your WordPress site to Google’s Search Console and when it’s better not to. (4:25)

18- Yoast SEO Social Settings

Learn how to configure Social Settings to display your posts correctly in different social networks. (3:51)

19 – Yoast SEO Tools

This video covers a number of different powerful tools included with the plugin and what can happen if these tools are not used properly. (5:28)

20 – HTML Sitemaps

In this video, you will learn how to create custom 404 error pages and custom HTML sitemaps for your WordPress site. (4:51)

21. How To Submit Your Sitemap To Google

Learn where your WordPress XML sitemap is located, how to post it to Google, and how to force Google to crawl and index your site’s pages within minutes. (4:57)

22. On Page-Post Module

Learn about the Post & Page meta box and how to use it to optimize your content in Gutenberg and non-Gutenberg WordPress editors. (9:13)

Module 5 – SEO & Tracking

This module covers different areas of SEO related to improving your traffic and tracking your results.

1 – How To Cloak Ugly Long Affiliate Links

Learn how to turn long or affiliate links into short, search engine-friendly or “pretty” links. (4:38)

2 – Help Visitors Find Your Content With Related Posts

Learn how to use a ‘Related Posts’ plugin to help your visitors find related content on your site.(10:10)

3 – Use Authority Sites To Increase SEO

Learn how to use authority sites effectively to increase and improve your SEO. (5:51)

4 – RSS Part 1 – Finding Your WordPress Feed

Learn how to find your RSS feed location in your WordPress site.(2:20)

5 – RSS Part 2 – Syndicating Your WordPress Feed

Learn how to syndicate your WordPress RSS feed with Feedburner. (7:20)

6 – How To Embed Google Analytics In WordPress

Learn how to embed Googe Analytcs into your WordPress site to track your marketing results. (6:28)

Module 6 – WordPress SEO Secrets

This training module covers the process of optimizing your WordPress blog for search engines. Although this video training series uses an earlier version of WordPress, it provides useful and relevant information and additional insights about essential SEO principles.

1 – Overview

This video explains the importance of search optimization for WordPress sites. (1:42)

2 – On-Page SEO Principles

Learn about basic on-page optimization principles which apply not only to WordPress but to all websites and online properties in general.(1:32)

3 – The Power Of Keyword Research

Learn about the key principles of doing effective keyword research. (3:23)

4 – Installing The All-In-One SEO Pack Plugin

All-In-One SEO Pack is another very popular WordPress SEO plugin. This video takes you through the process of installing and configuring the plugin on a WordPress site. (3:26)

5 – Optimizing Your Permalink Structure

Learn how to optimize your WordPress permalinks to make them more SEO-friendly. (3:47)

6 – Creating An Optimized WordPress Post

This and the next couple of videos walk you through the process of optimizing WordPress posts and pages. (1:47)

7 – The Importance Of Header Tags

Learn about the importance of using header tags for SEO. (2:06)

8 – SEO Benefits Of Formatting Text

Learn about the SEO benefits of using formatting like bold and italicized text to inform search engines about which parts of your content are more important than others. (1:43)

9 – SEO Benefits Of Unique Content

Learn about the SEO benefits of creating and publishing unique content on your WordPress site. (2:16)

10 – URL Canonization

Learn what URL canonization is and why it can present challenges for effective website SEO. (2:54)

11 – Setting Up Effective Navigation For SEO

Learn how to set up an effective structure for search engines to navigate your important links and index your site. (1:56)

12 – Adding Related Posts To Your WordPress Blog

Learn how to automate the process of linking related content on your blog using plugins. (2:16)

13 – Adding ‘No Follow’ Link Attributes

Learn how to maintain an effective SEO link structure on your blog and when to use links with the ‘no follow’ attribute. (2:13)

14 – Google Sitemap Plugin

Learn how to use sitemaps in WordPress to create an effective and search optimized navigation structure. (2:51)

15 – Encouraging User Interaction

This video covers the SEO benefits of encouraging users to interact with your site. (1:33)

16 – Adding Polls To Your WordPress Site

This video explores additional ways to encourage users to interact on your site using polls. (1:46)

17 – Running A Popularity Contest

Continuing with the topic of encouraging user interaction, this video looks at setting up a ‘popularity’ contest on your WordPress site. (0:51)

18 – Subscribing To Comments

This video looks at WordPress plugins that encourage user interaction on your site by allowing users to subscribe to comment feeds. (0:56)

19 – Utilizing Social Networks

This video explores the benefits of utilizing social networks and ways of making your WordPress blog more social media friendly. (1:17)

20 – Social Media Plugins

This video explores social media plugins you can use to integrate WordPress with your social networks. (1:36)

21 – SEO: What’s Next

Having a well-optimized blog is only the beginning. This video explores what to do after you have taken the steps to optimize your WordPress site. (1:30)

Module 7 – SEO Marketing

The videos in this training module show you how to plan your strategic marketing approach from an SEO perspective. This is an older video training series that contains relevant information about fundamental principles of SEO.

1 – Introduction

This video provides an overview of the SEO method discussed in this training module. (7:04)

2 – 10 Steps To SEO Success

Learn about the 10 steps that will help you fully optimize your site for search engines. (5:57)

3 – Find The Right Audience

This video talks about how to find and identify your target audience to generate traffic to your site. (4:17)

4 – Guarantee Your Efforts

Learn how to do a proper analysis to realistically assess your chances to rank at the top of the search engines. (11:01)

5 – Your Domain Name

This video explains how to register the right domain name for your website. (3:36)

6 – Your Web Hosting Setup

This video covers the basics of how to choose the right web hosting setup for your domain name. (2:06)

7 – Building Your Website

This video walks you through the process of creating a search engine money-making website using free tools. (8:00)

8 – SEO Content Creation

This video walks you through the process of creating search optimized quality content that will engage your visitors and help your site rank higher in the search engines. This video also covers outsourcing your content creation and where to find help when it comes to creating content for your website or blog. (8:13)

9 – Search Optimized Affiliate Marketing

This video continues exploring the process of creating a money-making website using methods like affiliate marketing and how to ensure that affiliate links placed in your content help your SEO efforts. (8:41)

10 – Final Tweaks

This video covers the 4 important components every website must have to ensure it is fully optimized for users and search engines. (4:44)

11 – Link Building

Once your website is fuly set up and configured, the next step is to get it ranked in the search engines. This video shows you ways to start generating backlinks to build trust and authority with Google and tools for spying on your competitors to help you understand their SEO linking strategy. (5:27)

Module 8 – SEO Miscelaneous

The videos in this module cover various miscellaneous topics related to SEO and WordPress.

1 – SEO-Friendly Titles And Metatags

Learn about plugins that can help you create search engine friendly post titles and metatags for your WordPress site. (4:46)

2 – Using SEO-Friendly Images

Learn how to optimize images in your content for search engines. (5:18)

3 – Rename Images For Better SEO

This video shows you how to rename images to improve search optimization. (3:46)

4 – Video SEO

This video cover embedding videos into your content to improve your site’s search rankings.

5 – Off-Page SEO

This video touches on different ‘off page’ SEO methods for improving your site’s search rankings. (1:40)

6 – SEO Metatags (HTML)

WordPress sites are coded using a language called PHP. Older websites are coded in HTML. This video shows you how to optimize metatags on HTML web pages (useful if your website was built using HTML). (5:05)

Course Duration: 6 hours 30 minutes

WordPress SEO - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress SEO - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress SEO - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress SEO - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress SEO - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress SEO - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress SEO - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress SEO - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress SEO - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress SEO - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress SEO - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress SEO - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress SEO - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress SEO - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress SEO - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress SEO - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress SEO - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress SEO - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress SEO - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress SEO - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress SEO - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress SEO - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress SEO - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress SEO - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress SEO - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress SEO - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress SEO - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress SEO - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress SEO - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress SEO - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress SEO - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress SEO - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress SEO - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress SEO - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress SEO - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress SEO - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress SEO - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress SEO - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress SEO - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress SEO - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress SEO - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress SEO - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress SEO - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress SEO - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress SEO - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress SEO - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress SEO - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress SEO - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress SEO - WPMasterclasses.com

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