WordPress 101: How To Use WordPress

Learn how to unlock the power of the WordPress content management system (CMS) using the many powerful features inside your WordPress administration area.

(check out the sample video tutorial above!)

WordPress 101: How To Use WordPress - WPMasterclasses.com

About This Course

Number of Lessons: 107

Course Duration: 8 hours

Course ID: WPMC-0026

See description of video tutorials below.

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WordPress 101: How To Use WordPress

WordPress is a feature-rich content publishing and management system and a powerful business marketing tool … if you know how to use it!

Once you know how to use WordPress, getting your message in front of your audience is as easy as Think … Write … Publish!

In this comprehensive video course, you will learn how to unlock the power of the WordPress content management system (CMS), how to have complete control of your content publishing process, and how to improve your business productivity using the many powerful features inside your WordPress administration area.

Video lessons include links to detailed step-by-step tutorials and additional information and resources to help you master using the WordPress CMS.

This is an ideal course for WordPress beginners and anyone working with websites or blogs built using WordPress.

Course Content

Module 1: WordPress Features

The video tutorials in this training module cover the main features of your WordPress admin area.

1 – WordPress Dashboard Tour

Learn how to access your WordPress dashboard and how to navigate inside your WordPress administration area. (4:20)

2 – How To Customize Your WordPress Dashboard

Learn how to customize the information panels and other key sections inside your WordPress dashboard. (4:00)

3 – How To Edit Your WordPress User Profile

Learn how to edit your WordPress user profile settings. (3:47)

4 – Understanding Different User Permissions

Learn about different user roles in WordPress and the permissions associated with each role. (5:27)

5 – How To Set Your Home Page

WordPress lets you specify any page as the main home page of your website or blog. This video shows you how to do this. (1:25)

6 – How To Create A Blog Page To Display Your WordPress Posts

If your WordPress site has been set up to function as a website, this video will show you how to add a ‘blog’ section to your website that will automatically display your latest posts and announcements. (3:45)

7 – How To Set The Number Of Blog Posts To Display On Your Blog Page

Learn how to specify the number of posts to display on your blog page. (1:33)

8 – WordPress Categories

Learn about WordPress post categories, what categories are used for, and how to add, edit, delete, and use categories on your website or blog. (4:31)

9 – WordPress Tags: 1

Learn about WordPress post tags, what tags are used for, and to add, edit, and delete tags. (3:43)

10 – WordPress Tags: 2

Learn how to use post tags in your content. (3:57)

11 – WordPress Widgets

Learn about WordPress widgets and what different widgets can be used for. (7:36)

12 – How To Install & Use WordPress Widgets

Learn how to install and use WordPress widgets on your sidebar and other sections of your website or blog. (3:48)

13 – How To Edit Widgets Using The WordPress Theme Customizer

This video provides an overview of using themes in WordPress and how to edit widgets inside the WordPress theme customizer feature. (2:20)

14 – WordPress Menus: 1

Learn about WordPress menus and custom menus. (5:28)

15 – WordPress Menus: 2

Learn how to create and sort WordPress menus to improve site and content navigation for users. (4:21)

16 – WordPress Plugins

Learn what WordPress plugins are and how to unlock the power of using plugins to enhance and extend the functionality of your WordPress website or blog. (7:50)

17 – How To Install WordPress Plugins

Learn how to install plugins easily and automatically inside your WordPress dashboard. (4:31)

18 – How To Update And Delete Plugins

Learn how to update and remove plugins from your WordPress site. (2:16)

19 – WordPress Themes

Learn about WordPress themes, the benefits of using WordPress themes instead of traditional web design templates, and how to manage themes in your dashboard. (5:49)

20 – How To Install WordPress Themes

Learn how to install themes easily and automatically inside your WordPress dashboard. (3:27)

21 – Change WordPress Permalinks

Learn how to change the structure of your WordPress permalinks to improve user navigation and SEO. (1:54)

22 – WordPress RSS: 1

Learn how to locate your WordPress RSS feed. (2:13)

23 – WordPress RSS: 2

Learn how to use RSS feeds to increase exposure online for your website and content. (3:18)

Module 2 – WordPress Gutenberg Content Editor

From WordPress 5.0, the old WordPress content editor has been replaced with a new content editor called ‘Gutenberg’ (named after the inventor of the printing press). This module explains what’s new and how Gutenberg is going to change content publishing in WordPress.

1 – New vs Old WordPress Content Editor

This video compares the pre-WordPress 5.0 content editor (now referred to as the ‘Classic’ editor) with the new WordPress Gutenberg content editor. (2:50)

2 – WordPress Gutenberg Editor Tour

This video provides a tour of the WordPress Gutenberg content editor and its main features. (4:54)

3 – Content Publishing Post WordPress 5.0

The Gutenberg content editor will eventually replace the WordPress ‘Classic’ editor.  This video explains how this change affects content publishing in WordPress post version 5.0. (5:01)

4 – How To Disable The Gutenberg Content Editor

Until the Gutenberg content editor becomes widely adopted by all WordPress users, WordPress allows you to disable the Gutenberg editor and continue using the pre v. 5.0 content editor. This video shows you how to do this. (5:50)

5 – Gutenberg: More Tools And Options Feature

Gutenberg introduces a new feature called ‘More Tools & Options.’ This video explains what this new feature does and how to use it. (7:14)

Module 3 – WordPress Content Publishing

The video tutorials in this training module show you how to use WordPress more effectively to help you create, edit, and publish content online quickly and easily.

1 – Your Content Strategy: 1

Learn how to plan your content strategy to brand yourself as an expert. (7:39)

2 – Your Content Strategy: 2

This video explores the best content creation practices for search engine optimization (SEO). (9:19)

3 – WordPress Posts vs WordPress Pages

Learn about the main differences between WordPress posts and WordPress pages and when to use each of these different types to publish your content online. (3:33)

4 – Creating Posts & Pages

This video provides an overview of the processes involved in creating posts & pages in WordPress. (7:28)

5 – How To Create WordPress Posts

Learn how to create a new post in WordPress. (5:49)

6 – How To Edit WordPress Posts

Learn how to edit post content and post settings in WordPress. (4:39)

7 – How To Delete WordPress Posts

Learn how to temporarily remove or permanently delete WordPress posts from your website or blog. (1:03)

8 – How To Create WordPress Pages

Learn how to create a new page in WordPress. (5:17)

9 – How To Edit WordPress Pages

Learn how to edit page content and page settings in WordPress. (5:16)

10 – How To Delete WordPress Pages

Learn how to temporarily remove or permanently delete WordPress pages from your website or blog. (3:04)

11 – The WordPress Content Editor

Learn how to use the WordPress content editor and menu buttons. (4:48)

12 – How To Create Effective Post Titles

Learn how to create effective post titles to help you attract more readers to your content and improve your page results in search engines. (4:23)

13 – How To Add Content Links In WordPress Posts And Pages

Learn how to add internal links to other content on your site and how to add external links to other websites in your WordPress posts and pages. (3:27)

14 – How To Add Tables To Posts And Pages In WordPress

Learn how to add tables to your content and how to manage the content in these tables in WordPress. (8:22)

15 – How To Insert Special Characters Into Posts And Pages

Learn how to insert special characters and symbols into your WordPress posts and pages. (1:14)

16 – How To Add HTML Code To Posts And Pages In WordPress

Learn how to easily add HTML code to your posts and pages in WordPress. (5:22)

17 – How To Embed Scripts Into Posts And Pages

Learn how to embed code scripts into your WordPress posts and pages. (6:40)

18 – How To Split Long Posts Into Multiple Pages

Learn how to split long WordPress posts into multiple pages to improve content navigation for your site users. (6:36)

19 – How To Use WordPress Post Excerpts

Learn how to use WordPress post excerpts and post excerpt previews and how these affect other sections of your website or blog. (3:15)

20 – WordPress Post Formats

Learn about different WordPress post formats and custom post types, and what each of these formats are used for. (2:31)

Module 4 – WordPress Content Management

The videos in this training module show you how to manage your content more effectively using WordPress content management features.

1 – The WordPress Post Manager

Learn how to access the WordPress Post Manager and how to use different features of the WordPress Table of Posts. (4:42)

2 – The WordPress Page Manager

Learn how to access the WordPress Page Manager and how to use different features of the WordPress Table of Pages. (2:50)

3 – How To Use WordPress Post Revisions

Learn how to use the WordPress autosave and revision management system to recover and restore your posts and pages. (2:58)

4 – How To Use The WordPress Quick Edit Feature

Learn how to use the Quick Edit feature of WordPress to change post or page settings quickly and easily. (4:54)

5 – How To Find WordPress Post & Page IDs

This video shows you how to locate your WordPress post or page IDs and covers practical applications of using page and post IDs. (3:57)

6 – How To Create A Sticky WordPress Post

Learn what a sticky post is and how to create one. (1:54)

7 – How To Schedule WordPress Posts And Pages For Publishing

Learn how to schedule WordPress posts to publish at a future or earlier date and time. (2:52)

8 – How To Protect Content In WordPress Posts And Pages

Learn how to protect content in your WordPress posts or pages and different types of content protection. (2:46)

9 – How To Change Post Authors

Learn how to change post authors in WordPress. (4:17)

10 – Control How Visitors Comment On Your Site

Learn how to set options to control the way visitors comment on your WordPress site. (4:33)

11 – How To Add Posts To WordPress Via Email: 1

Learn how to post to your WordPress site via email – Part 1. (8:09)

12 – How To Add Posts To WordPress Via Email: 2

Learn how to post to your WordPress site via email – Part 2. (4:03)

13 – How To Use The Press This WordPress Tool

Learn how to quickly and easily bookmark and add snippets of useful information from the web to your own posts using the Press This bookmarking tool. (4:23)

14 – How To Use WordPress In Other Languages

Learn how to translate your WordPress site or blog into other languages. (2:58)

Module 5 – WordPress Media

The video tutorials in this training module show you how to enhance your content using different types of media.

1 – How To Use The WordPress Media Library

Learn how to use the WordPress media library to manage media uploaded to your WordPress site or blog. (6:09)

2 – How To Insert, Edit & Format Images

Learn how to insert, edit, and format images in your WordPress posts and pages. (3:54)

3 – How To Resize Images Using The WordPress Content Editor

Learn how to resize images in the WordPress content editor using drag and drop. (2:22)

4 – How To Create An Image Gallery

Learn how to create an image gallery using the built-in WordPress image gallery feature. (3:00)

5 – How To Add Photo Galleries In WordPress

Learn how to create photo galleries and add multiple images to your WordPress posts and pages. (4:06)

6 – How To Add Featured Images

Learn how to add featured images and image thumbnails to your WordPress posts. (3:14)

7 – How To Add Videos To WordPress

Learn how to embed videos from YouTube, Vimeo, etc. into your WordPress posts and pages. (4:02)

8 – How To Create Video Playlists In WordPress

Learn how to create video playlists in WordPress. (4:00)

9 – How To Add Audio Files To WordPress

Learn how to add audio files to WordPress posts and pages. (3:45)

10 – How To Create Audio Playlists In WordPress

Learn how to create audio playlists in WordPress. (4:05)

Course Duration: 8 hours

WordPress 101: How To Use WordPress - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress 101: How To Use WordPress - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress 101: How To Use WordPress - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress 101: How To Use WordPress - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress 101: How To Use WordPress - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress 101: How To Use WordPress - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress 101: How To Use WordPress - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress 101: How To Use WordPress - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress 101: How To Use WordPress - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress 101: How To Use WordPress - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress 101: How To Use WordPress - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress 101: How To Use WordPress - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress 101: How To Use WordPress - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress 101: How To Use WordPress - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress 101: How To Use WordPress - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress 101: How To Use WordPress - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress 101: How To Use WordPress - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress 101: How To Use WordPress - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress 101: How To Use WordPress - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress 101: How To Use WordPress - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress 101: How To Use WordPress - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress 101: How To Use WordPress - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress 101: How To Use WordPress - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress 101: How To Use WordPress - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress 101: How To Use WordPress - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress 101: How To Use WordPress - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress 101: How To Use WordPress - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress 101: How To Use WordPress - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress 101: How To Use WordPress - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress 101: How To Use WordPress - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress 101: How To Use WordPress - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress 101: How To Use WordPress - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress 101: How To Use WordPress - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress 101: How To Use WordPress - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress 101: How To Use WordPress - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress 101: How To Use WordPress - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress 101: How To Use WordPress - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress 101: How To Use WordPress - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress 101: How To Use WordPress - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress 101: How To Use WordPress - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress 101: How To Use WordPress - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress 101: How To Use WordPress - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress 101: How To Use WordPress - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress 101: How To Use WordPress - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress 101: How To Use WordPress - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress 101: How To Use WordPress - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress 101: How To Use WordPress - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress 101: How To Use WordPress - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress 101: How To Use WordPress - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress 101: How To Use WordPress - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress 101: How To Use WordPress - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress 101: How To Use WordPress - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress 101: How To Use WordPress - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress 101: How To Use WordPress - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress 101: How To Use WordPress - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress 101: How To Use WordPress - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress 101: How To Use WordPress - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress 101: How To Use WordPress - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress 101: How To Use WordPress - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress 101: How To Use WordPress - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress 101: How To Use WordPress - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress 101: How To Use WordPress - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress 101: How To Use WordPress - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress 101: How To Use WordPress - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress 101: How To Use WordPress - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress 101: How To Use WordPress - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress 101: How To Use WordPress - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress 101: How To Use WordPress - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress 101: How To Use WordPress - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress 101: How To Use WordPress - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress 101: How To Use WordPress - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress 101: How To Use WordPress - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress 101: How To Use WordPress - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress 101: How To Use WordPress - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress 101: How To Use WordPress - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress 101: How To Use WordPress - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress 101: How To Use WordPress - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress 101: How To Use WordPress - WPMasterclasses.com

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