How To Build A Subscriber List

This video course covers essential areas of list-building, from planning, building and automating your list-building strategy, to methods for turning online users into loyal subscribers.

(check out the sample video tutorial above!)

How To Build A Subscriber List -

About This Course

Number of Lessons: 68

Course Duration: 15 hours 48 minutes

Course ID: WPMC-0034

See description of video tutorials below.

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How To Build A Subscriber List

No doubt you’ve heard the saying “the money is in the list.” Knowing how to build and grow a responsive list of subscribers is one of the fundamental skills of building a successful web presence and online business.

The ‘How To Build A Subscriber List’ video course covers essential areas of list-building, from planning, building and automating your list-building strategy, to methods for turning online users into loyal subscribers. Video lessons include links to additional information, resources, and downloadable guides.

Course Content

Module 1 – List Building

This video training module covers different aspects of an effective list-building strategy.

1 – Why Build A List And Different Ways To Do It

This video provides different scenarios to illustrate the importance of building a list for your business. (8:51)

2 – How To Create Free Gifts Fast To Build Your List

Learn how to create valuable free gifts fast that you can use to build your list. (7:47)

3 – How To Start Your Autoresponder Campaign

Learn how to build an autoresponder so you can start your list-building campaign. (12:25)

4 – How To Add An Autoresponder To Your Sidebar

This video shows you how to add the autoresponder built from the previous video to your sidebar. (4:16)

5 – How To Create WordPress Squeeze Pages

Learn how to create squeeze pages on your WordPress site quickly and easily. (6:59)

6 – Build A List Piggybacking On Product Launches

Learn how to generate commissions and build a customer list quickly using someone else’s product launches or traffic. (5:57)

7 – Writing An Autoresponder Email Series That Converts

Learn about the elements your autoresponder email series must have to convert your subscribers into buyers and action takers. (6:21)

8 – How To Create Raving Fans On Your Email List

This video shows you how to build a list of raving, loyal fans, not just ‘subscribers.’ (6:18)

9 – Using Integration Marketing To Build Your List

Learn about integration marketing and how to leverage this method to build a responsive list. (12:37)

10 – How To Use Exit Popups To Build Your List

Learn how to build a list effectively using exit pop-ups. (7:12)

Module 2 – List Building With Email Marketing

The tutorials in this video training module show you the right way to start building a list with email marketing.

1 – Introduction To List Building

Before you start with email marketing, it’s important to be in the right mindset and do the proper planning. This video provides a quick overview of the video course and what you need to do before getting started. (9:27)

2 – Finding Your List Purpose

Learn how to identify the purpose of your list using techniques that will bring focus to your list-building strategy. (16:10)

3 – List-Building: What To Avoid

Learn how to avoid common mistakes that can negatively impact your list-building results and decrease your conversions. (7:38)

4 – Building Trust With Subscribers

Learn how to build a relationship with your list and how to grow your relationships and trust with subscribers using automation. (6:03)

5 – Choosing An Autoresponder

Learn how to choose a reliable autoresponder or email marketing service to run your list-building campaigns from. (9:13)

6 – Choosing A Landing Page Creator

Learn about landing page tools you can use to build effective squeeze pages quickly. (8:13)

7 – How To Set Up Your Autoresponder

Learn how to set up your list, your autoresponder series, your web form, and your broadcasting system. (20:08)

8 – How To Set Up Your Landing Page

Learn how to set up your landing page and what elements need to be included to help increase conversions. (8:06)

9 – How To Connect Your Autoresponder To Your Landing Page

Learn how to connect your autoresponder to your landing page so you can launch your list-building campaigns, drive traffic to your email capture forms, and automate the relationship and trust-building process with your subscribers. (4:01)

Module 3 – Email Marketing Management

This video training module provides additional information and useful tips about using email marketing to build a list.

1 – Introduction To Email Marketing

This video summarizes what, why, and where to start with email marketing. (2:55)

2 – Email Marketing Strategies

This video walks you through different email marketing strategies you can use to grow your list. (9:54)

3 – Email Marketing Campaign Optimization

This video provides useful tips and information on ways to optimize your email marketing campaigns to maximize your ROI. (6:02)

4 – Email List Maintenance

This video covers the principles of good email list maintenance and why it’s important to maintain your list. (5:19)

Module 4 – Immanent List Building

This video training module shows you how to collect leads in the U.S. automatically without your prospects needing to type anything into a form.

1 – Overview

This video provides a brief overview of what’s included in this training module. (0:35)

2 – Concept

This video provides an overview of this new concept. (8:11)

3 – Tool

This video covers the tool we will be using and how to set it up. (9:39)

4 – Follow-Up

This video goes over the unique follow-up campaigns you will need. (11:57)

Module 5 – List Building Blueprint

The videos in this training module cover additional list-building strategies.

1 – Introduction To List Building

This video covers the basics of list building and why building a list is important. (45:20)

2 – Setup For Profitable List Building

Learn what you need to do first before you start to build your list to ensure that your list-building efforts will generate profitable results. (1:02:55)

3 – Squeeze Pages & Product Download Delivery

In this video, you will learn about using squeeze pages on the front end of your list-building campaigns and product download delivery pages on the backend to automate the process. (18:54)

4 – Squeeze Page Setup

This video takes you through the process of setting up effective squeeze pages for your list-building campaigns. (33:26)

5 – Creating A Special Offer: Part 1

Learn how to create enticing special offers to get prospects to sign up for your list. (19:03)

6 – Creating A Special Offer: Part 2

This is part two of learning how to create enticing special offers to get prospects to sign up for your list. (25:30)

7 – Follow Up Fortunes

The money is in the list, but fortunes are made by following up. This video shows you how. (37:23)

8 – List Building Method 1: Ad Swaps & Solo Ads

Learn how to use ad swaps and solo ads to build your list. (1:08:18)

9 – List Building Method 2: Giveaway Events

Learn how to use giveaway events to build your list. (31:40)

10 – List Building Method 3: Product Launches

Learn how to use product lunches to build your list. (47:58)

11 – List Building Method 4: Online Forums

Learn how to use forums to build your list. (34:02)

12 – List Building Method 5: Blogging

Blogging is a powerful and effective list-building method. This video will show you how to maximize your list-building efforts through blogging. (48:27)

13 – List Building Method 6: Exit Popups

Learn how to use exit popups to build your list. (12:13)

14 – List Building Method 7: Articles & Videos

Learn how to combine articles and videos to build your list. (36:04)

15 – List Building Method 8: Viral Reports

Learn how to use viral reports to build your list. (35:56)

16 – List Building Method 9: Safe Lists

This video covers using safe lists as a list-building method. (20:21)

17 – Broadcasting Promotions To Your List

Learn how to create profitable promotional campaigns and how to send out effective broadcasts to your list. (23:07)

18 – Getting Your Emails Read

Essential to your list-building success is getting your emails read. This video provides useful tips and information on ways to ensure that subscribers will open and read your emails. (31:54)

19 – Rinse, Repeat & Grow Your List

After planning your strategy for building a list and setting up your campaigns, the last step is to turn the process into a system of regular list-building and list-growing activities. This video shows you how to do this. (20:09)

Module 6 – Fast List Building Method

This training module focuses on a fast and effective method you can use to build your list.

1 – Create Or Acquire A List Fast

This video shows you how to set up a quick list-building strategy that will help you achieve high opt-in rates. (6:01)

2 – Build A List Using Video Lead Magnets

This video shows you how to implement processes for the list-building strategy discussed in the previous video focusing on creating video lead magnets. (4:10)

3 – Designing Your Squeeze Page

This video shows you how to implement processes for the list-building strategy discussed in the previous video focusing on designing and creating a squeeze page. (6:12)

4 – Traffic Methods

This video continues the list-building strategy discussed in the previous video and walks you through a number of methods you can use to drive more traffic to your landing page and opt-in form. (5:03)

Module 7 – List Building 101

The videos in this training module cover some lesser known methods for building a list.

1 – Introduction To List Building

This video provides an overview of the methods successful internet marketers use to build large, responsive lists, which the videos in this training series will cover in more detail. (3:48)

2 – List Building Method 1: JVs & Giveaways

Learn about using JVs (Joint Ventures) and giveaways as a list-building method. (3:06)

3 – List Building Method 2: Ad Swaps

Learn about using ad swaps as a list-building method. (2:54)

4 – List Building Method 3: Solo Ads

Learn about using solo ads as a list-building method. (3:45)

5 – List Building Method 4: Click Banking

This video covers what click banking means and how to use it as a method to build your list. (2:48)

6 – List Building Method 5: Free WSOs

Learn how to build a list giving away freebies in places like the Warrior Forum. (4:33)

7 – List-Building Method 6: PPV & CPV

This video covers ways to build a list using Pay-Per-View (PPV) and Cost-Per-View (CPV) advertising. (3:50)

8 – List-Building Method 7: Bartering For Leads

Learn how to get quality leads if you don’t have your own product or service to sell. (2:48)

9 – List Building Method 8: Exit Popups

Learn why exit popups are very effective at building lists. (2:42)

10 – List Building Method 9: Buying Ad Space

Learn how to buy ad space directly from website owners and web masters. (2:41)

11 – List Building Method 10: Integrated Cross Promotions

Learn what integrated cross promotions are and how to build a list using this method. (2:22)

12 – List Building Method 11: Viral PDF Reports

Learn how to build a list using viral PDF reports. (2:09)

Module 8 – Free List-Building Tools & Methods

If you’re just starting out and can’t afford the monthly or annual fees of most list-building tools, this module includes several videos covering free list-building tools and methods. (9:18)

Course Duration: 15 hours 48 minutes

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How To Build A Subscriber List -

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