WordPress Block Editor (Gutenberg)

Learn how to use the WordPress Gutenberg editor with this video course.

(check out the sample video tutorial above!)

WordPress Gutenberg - WPMasterclasses.com

About This Course

Number of Lessons: 57

Course Duration: 5 hours, 10 minutes

Course ID: WPMC-0058

See description of video tutorials below.

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WordPress Block Editor (Gutenberg)

With the release of version 5.0, WordPress introduced a completely different way to create content on the WordPress platform using a new “block-based” content editor.

This is part of the WordPress Gutenberg project – an initiative to move WordPress forward toward being a platform that encourages and allows non-technical users to transform their web presence into everything they want using a block-based architecture.

Course Content

In this video course, you will learn how to use WordPress blocks and the WordPress block content editor (Gutenberg).

Module 1 – WordPress Gutenberg Basics

This training module covers the basics of using the WordPress block content editor.

01 – Introduction To WordPress Gutenberg

This video provides an introduction to WordPress Gutenberg and the pros and cons of using the block editor. (3:27)

02 – User Interface Overview

This video provides an overview of the block editor’s user interface. (5:16)

03 – Different Blocks

This video will help you understand the different types of blocks you can use in the block editor. (15:42)

04 – Block Sidebar

This video covers the right-hand sidebar features and elements contained in blocks. (6:46)

05 – Common Blocks

This video covers common types of blocks available in the block editor. (8:32)

06 – Formatting Blocks

This video covers WordPress formatting blocks. (7:21)

07 – Layout Elements

Learn about using WordPress block layout elements like buttons, columns, media, text, page breaks, separators, spaces, and more. (3:56)

08 – Classic Editor

If you’re not ready to use the block editor, you can disable it and revert to the WordPress classic editor. This video shows you how. (4:22)

09 – Additional Editor Options

This video covers additional block editor options. (11:20)

Module 2 – WordPress Block Editor

This training module shows you how to use the WordPress Block Editor.

01 – Block Editor Introduction

This video introduces you to the WordPress Gutenberg Block Editor and explains why WordPress decided it was time to change from the Visual Editor to the Block Editor. (2:44)

02 – WordPress Classic Editor vs. WordPress Block Editor

This video explains the differences between the WordPress Visual Editor (Classic) and the Gutenberg Block Editor. (2:42)

03 – A Tour Of The Block Editor

This video takes you on a quick tour of the Block Editor User Interface. (7:09)

04 – BlockEditor Sidebar

This lesson covers the current tools within the Block Editor’s modular sidebar. (6:18)

05- Block Tools And Options Feature – View

Located in the ‘More Tools & Options’ section of the Block Editor’s User Interface are several features. This video covers the ‘View’ feature. (3:41)

06 – Block Tools And Options Feature – Editor

This video covers the ‘More Tools & Options’ > ‘Editor’ feature. (2:55)

07 – Block Tools And Options Feature – Plugins

This video covers the ‘More Tools & Options’ > ‘Plugins’ feature. (2:59)

08 – Block Tools And Options Feature – Tools

This video covers the ‘More Tools & Options’ > ‘Tools’ feature. (4:59)

09 – Block Tools And Options Feature – Options

This video covers the ‘More Tools & Options’ > ‘Options’ feature. (4:42)

10 – How To Create Posts Using The WordPress Block Editor – Title

This video explains how to create a post title using the WordPress Gutenberg Editor. (4:04)

11 – How To Create Posts Using The WordPress Block Editor – Block Toolbar

This video shows you how to use the Inline Block Toolbar when creating a post. (5:48)

12 – How To Create Posts Using The WordPress Block Editor – Block Settings

This video shows you how to use the Block Settings section (right sidebar) when creating a post. (4:30)

13 – How To Create Pages Using The WordPress Block Editor

This video shows you how to create a page using the WordPress Block Editor. (7:04)

14 – WordPress Block Editor Keyboard Shortcuts

Learn about different keyboard shortcuts you can use to speed up your content creation process. (4:37)

15- How To Convert A Classic Post To Blocks

Learn how to convert content created using the Classic (Visual) editor for use with the Block Editor. (4:40)

16 – How To Add Images In Blocks

This video shows you an easy way to add images to your content using the Block Editor. (1:52)

17 – How To Add Links In Blocks

This video shows you an easy way to add links to your content using the Block Editor. (1:59)

18 – How To Create Jump Links In Blocks – Part 1

Learn how to create a clickable table of contents (jump links) using the Block Editor and discover some of its limitations. (4:57)

19- How To Create Jump Links In Blocks – Part 2

Learn how to create jump links when you can’t use the Block Editor built-ins. (5:13)

20 – Group Block

Learn how to use the Group Block – what it is, plus tips and tricks. (6:08)

21 – Columns Block Basics – Part 1

This video is part of a series on using the Column Block. Learn how to start by selecting the correct column settings. (4:52)

22 – Columns Block Basics – Part 2

This video goes a little deeper into the column settings located in the right sidebar under Block Settings. (2:59)

23 – Columns Block Basics – Part 3

This video demos the Wide Width and Full Width settings of your Column Block with some cool design elements. (3:56)

24 – Columns Block Basics – Part 4

This video covers different ways to test your design on mobile and tablet devices without using them. (5:22)

25 – Columns Block – Advanced

This video shows you what you can do when you combine the Columns Block with other default WordPress Blocks. (4:15)

26 – Cover Block – Basics

Learn what you can do using the Cover Block. (5:28)

27 – Cover Block – Advanced

This video shows you more advanced designs you can craft using the Cover Block. (4:30)

28 – Reusable Blocks

Learn about Reusable Blocks – what they are and how to create them. (4:48)

29 – Editing Reusable Blocks

Learn how to edit Reusable Blocks. (5:34)

30 – Reusable Templates

Learn how to create and use Reusable Templates. (3:45)

31 – Reusable Blocks Management Page

Learn how to access the Reusable Block Management Page and how to manage Reusable Blocks. (7:07)

32 – Advanced Section Custom CSS – Part 1: Background Color

Learn how to use the Additional CSS Class feature and add background color with the WordPress Customizer. (7:14)

33- Advanced Section Custom CSS – Part 1: Hover Color

Learn how to use the Additional CSS Class feature and add hover color with the WordPress Customizer. (2:23)

34 – Advanced Section Custom CSS – Part 1: Image Pulse

Learn how to use the Additional CSS Class feature and add image pulse with the WordPress Customizer. (3:49)

35 – Advanced Section Custom CSS – Part 2

Learn how to hard code styles into your theme instead of using the WordPress Customizer. Hard Code in Theme & Additional CSS Box (8:12)

36 – Advanced Section Custom CSS – Part 3

This video shows you the easiest of all three methods to customize a Block’s CSS using a Free plugin. Free Plugin & Additional CSS Box (7:16)

Module 3 – Using Blocks Sitewide

With the introduction of Full Site Editing (FSE) in WordPress 5.9, you can now use blocks outside of the block content editor. This module shows you how to expand using blocks to other areas of your website.

01 – Intro

This video provides an overview of the new WordPress 5.9 features and enhancements. (6:30)

02 – FSE Templates

This video gives you a sneak peek at the new Full Site Editor and explores the road to Full Site Editing (FSE) in WordPress. (4:43)

03 – Introduction To Block Templates

This video provides an overview of the block-based templates that you will be able to create and manage in the full site editing features. (3:53)

04 – Editing Block Templates

In this video, you will learn how to edit block theme templates. (6:29)

05 – Creating Block Templates

This video covers new block template creation. (7:34)

06 – List View

This video covers the new and improved List View tool in the block editor. (3:44)

07 – Navigation Block

This video covers the new WordPress Navigation block. (7:49)

08 – Navigation Block Menus

This video looks at the menus that are added to the navigation block. (7:31)

09 – Pattern Library

This video covers the WordPress patterns library in the block editor and WordPress.org. (4:01)

10 – Block-Based Themes

This video covers additional areas of block-based themes not covered in previous videos, like how to find more block-based themes in the WordPress theme directory. (3:07)

11 – Miscellaneous

This video covers miscellaneous items of WordPress version 5.9 that are new or improved. (3:29)

12 – Language Selector

This video shows you how to set up the “choose your language” feature on the login screen that began with version 5.9 and allows users to select their language of choice on the password reset, registration, and login screens. (5:14)

Course Duration: 5 hours, 10 minutes

WordPress Gutenberg - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress Gutenberg - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress Gutenberg - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress Gutenberg - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress Gutenberg - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress Gutenberg - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress Gutenberg - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress Gutenberg - WPMasterclasses.com
WordPress Gutenberg - WPMasterclasses.com

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