How To Increase Conversions

Learn ways to increase your conversions by improving your processes and how to set up sales funnels that will help you sift through serious buyers, filter out non-serious buyers, and create a long-term, high-converting customer list.

(check out the sample video tutorial above!)

How To Increase Conversions -

About This Course

Number of Lessons: 35

Course Duration: 5 hours

Course ID: WPMC-0033

See description of video tutorials below.

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How To Increase Conversions

If you apply the 80/20 rule to your online sales process, you can reasonably expect that 20% of your buyers will bring in most of your sales. You can increase your sales conversions by ensuring that your site’s sales, navigation, and marketing processes are set up correctly and that these can be measured and improved upon, and by focusing your efforts on targeting the right customers (i.e. the 20% that will become your serious premium buyers).

This video course will show you ways to increase your conversions by improving your processes and how to set up sales funnels that will help you sift through serious buyers, filter out non-serious buyers, and create a long-term, high-converting customer list.

Video lessons include links to additional tutorials, information, and resources, and downloadable files and guides.

Course Content

Module 1 – Conversion Optimization

This video training module shows you how to get the most out of your lead pages. After completing this training module, you will know how to optimize your pages for maximum conversions.

1 – Overview

This video provides an overview of what’s included in this training module. (0:34)

2 – Conversion Concepts

This video provides a brief intro to conversion concepts. (6:42)

3 – Tools and Methods

This video covers conversion tools and methods. (17:19)

4 – Tweaking and Testing

Learn how to tweak and test your lead pages for higher conversions. (22:36)

Module 2 – Increasing Conversions

The videos in this training module focus on ways to improve your conversions by improving areas of your site that affect user experience.

1 – How To Turn Prospects Into Buyers

Learn how to turn your site visitors into buyers or subscribers. (7:43)

2 – 3 Groups To Target To Increase Conversions

Learn how to increase your conversions by appealing to three specific groups of people. (8:30)

3 – Time Tested WordPress Layouts

This video covers web design layouts that have been proven over time to help increase conversions. (12:27)

4 – Essential Pages To Convert Skeptical Fence Sitters

Learn what pages you must include in your website to address skeptical fence-sitters and improve conversions. (8:21)

5 – Creating Call To Action Forms

This video shows you how to create ‘call to action’ forms that will help improve your conversions. (6:16)

6 – Adding Call To Action Forms To Your Sidebar

Learn how to add the ‘call to action’ forms created in the previous video to your site’s sidebar area. (6:16)

7 – Creating Banner Ads

Using banner ads on your site to focus your visitors’ attention on particular areas of your site or products or services you want to sell can help to improve conversions. This video shows you how to easily create banner ads for your site. (11:03)

8 – Adding Banners Ads To Your Sidebar

Learn how to add banners ads to your site’s sidebar area using widgets. (6:32)

9 – Using Before And After Pictures

Using ‘before and after’ pictures are a powerful way to improve your sales and conversions, as this video will show you. (6:23)

10 – Using Social Proof To Remove Skepticism

Learn ways to address objections of skeptical potential buyers using social proof. (6:41)

Module 3 – Precision Ad Targeting

Learn how to hone in on the exact prospects you are looking for. After completing this video training module, you will know how to target your audience with great precision.

1 – Precision Ad Targeting Overview

This video provides a brief overview of what’s included in this training module. (0:38)

2 – Precision Targeting Concepts

This video provides an overview of precision targeting concepts. (6:05)

3 – Geotargeting

Learn how to effectively use geotargeting to reach your intended audience. (10:45)

4 – Demographics, Interests, and Placements

This video helps you tie everything in this training module together. (21:09)

Module 4 – Sales Funnels

This training module will show you how to build effective sales funnels for your business. After completing this module, you will know how to effectively build funnels that generate leads and sales for your business.

1 – Overview

This video provides an overview of the topics covered in this training module. (0:35)

2 – Planning & Choosing Your Funnel Type

Learn how to plan and choose the right sales funnel type for your offer. (4:01)

3 – Crafting & Splintering Your Offers

Learn how to craft and splinter sales funnels for upsells, downsells, one-time-offers, and more. (6:43)

4 – How To Create Sales Funnel Pages

This video walks you through the process of creating actual sales funnel pages. (8:43)

Module 5 – Smart Funnels Blueprint

This video training module focuses on ways to set up sales funnels that will help you sift through serious buyers and filter out non-serious buyers.

1 – Introduction To Smart Sales Funnels

This video provides a quick overview of the videos in this module to help you understand how it all works and what tools you will need to get started. (8:05)

2 – The Typical Funnel: Don’t Follow The Crowd

This video shows you the typical sales funnel that everybody else is using and why you should avoid using it. (4:04)

3 – Common Sales Funnel Mistakes

Learn about some of the most common mistakes that will dilute the quality of your customer list and a specific formula that you can apply to your OTO (One Time Offer) funnel to increase your sales. (4:45)

4 – Segmenting Premium Buyers

Learn what you should be doing to segment your premium buyers from your regular buyers. (1:57)

5 – Smart OTO 2.0

This video shows you how to apply a higher-converting one-time offer strategy, why this strategy is more powerful, how it will help you figure out who your premium buyers are, and how to segment these into their own list. The video also takes you through a mindmap of how this all works so you can apply it to your own business. (4:35)

6 – Technology Roadblock

Most current systems and shopping carts offer buyers the typical one-time offer instead of the more powerful strategy being covered in this series. Learn which shopping carts to use to double or even quadruple your sales. (7:12)

7 – How To Set Up Your Smart OTO 2.0

Follow the step-by-step process and use the tools shown in this video to easily create and implement a smart OTO for your customers. (8:03)

8 – WordPress Integration

This video shows how to access a free WordPress membership plugin that will allow you to set up your own membership site and integrated it with the smart OTO 2.0 system. (8:47)

9 – Profit Checkout Bumps

This video shows you how to add more sales to your checkout page (even quadruple sales) using a technique called ‘profit checkout bumps’ that uses the same tools used to set up your smart OTO 2.0. (9:01)

Module 6 – Split-Testing

This training module will show you how to boost the performance of your pages and sales offers using split-testing. After completing this module, you will know how to effectively optimize your pages and get higher conversions for your business using split-testing.

1 – Overview

This video provides an overview of the topics covered in this training module. (0:36)

2 – Common Elements That Can Be Tested

This video shows you common web page and marketing elements that can be split-tested. (9:19)

3 – Creating Test Variations

Learn how to create test variations and how to split-test these. (4:48)

4 – Analyzing Split-Test Results

This video walks you through the process of analyzing the results of your split-tests to determine which of the variations are more effective. (8:30)

Course Duration: 5 hours

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How To Increase Conversions -
How To Increase Conversions -
How To Increase Conversions -
How To Increase Conversions -
How To Increase Conversions -
How To Increase Conversions -
How To Increase Conversions -
How To Increase Conversions -
How To Increase Conversions -
How To Increase Conversions -

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